LANDNOVA XFOR wheel lOADERS AND DOZERS LANDNOVA X machine control software is now available also for dozers and wheel loaders Home › LANDNOVA X is now available for wheel loader and dozer systems LinkedIn Twitter Facebook LANDNOVA X is now available for wheel loader and dozer systems Xsite® PRO 3D – LANDNOVA X with its comprehensive features and supreme usability is now available also for wheel loader and dozer applications. With the LANDNOVA X software, you can connect your dozer and wheel loader systems to the Xsite® MANAGE cloud platform. Interested in Xsite® MANAGE? Read more about our cloud platform! Xsite® PRO 3D with LANDNOVA X offers supreme usability, especially for model-based construction sites and Open InfraBIM workflow. The system enables the operator to work carelessly, transferring complex model names and coding into understandable information. Contact your local reseller for more information! You might also be interested in Xsite® PRO 3D – LANDNOVA X Advanced does not need to mean difficult. Xsite® PRO 3D with LANDNOVA X software offers intelligent features and ease of use for model-based construction sites. Learn More Xsite® PRO 3D – For Drills Xsite® PRO 3D drill application helps to eliminate positioning and orientation errors. System guides the operator to navigate to the right hole and reach the right depth with correct inclination. Learn More CONTACT YOUR LOCAL RESELLER FOR MORE INFORMATION! Find your dealer!