count on xsite® Remote support Home › In a tough situation? Count on Xsite remote support 2 min read LinkedIn Twitter Facebook In a tough situation? Count on Xsite remote support Have you ever found yourself trying to solve a technical issue and thinking, “If only someone could show me exactly what to do”? With Xsite remote support, it’s like having your very own personal support beside you. Xsite started developing advanced 3D machine control systems for excavators and bulldozers in the early 2000s. The first systems sold required very little technical support as drivers needed only basic assistance in how to use the systems. As Xsite expanded its range of machine applications, a specialized technical support team was set up to help customers’ daily live. The aim of the team is to make the driver’s experience easier, as well as help them learn how to use Xsite equipment and troubleshoot different issues.. Support made easy for versatile system Learning new technology can feel tricky, but with Xsite support services anyone can learn how to use Xsite. With the versatile system and the help of remote support team you keep on working even smarter without having to interrupt your work on site. Users can count on the Xsite tech support team to provide the best service on the market. Xsite remote support offers direct tech support to drivers and machinery operators. The remote support team can actually open a connection to the machines, so they see exactly the same display that the driver is seeing. With this direct connection, tech support personnel can show the driver how to operate the system, basically operating the application via this connection. The remote support team can actually open a connection to the machines, so they see exactly the same display that the driver is seeing. Help is on the way Users who call the remote support team might be surprised at how easy it is to get the help they need (and how friendly the people on the other end of the phone is), but this is exactly the principle behind Xsite remote support. This is good news when drivers find themselves in already stressful situations, such as when moving machinery from one place to the next. Because the models are automatically downloaded to the excavator from a cloud service, sometimes the driver doesn’t immediately see the model on the screen. When he calls Xsite remote support, they can troubleshoot why. The tech support team could, for example, see if the system for coordinates is correctly selected, which is the most common reason drivers call them. Through Xsite remote support, drivers can also get help about how to do a specific task. Sometimes, even the most experienced driver can forget how to calibrate the bucket, which could lead to the unreliable measurements. For precision machinery, even something as small as making sure the calibrations are done properly, could have big effects. Simple calls usually take between five to ten minutes, and ninety percent of calls (even complicated ones!) are resolved under an hour, which helps keep projects on schedule. When the issue is solved remotely and fast, the driver doesn’t have to wait for the mechanic to come to the site, and there is more time for efficient work. Remote support is available for Xsite users all over the world. Drivers can get support through their local dealer, and on-site support when needed. Xsite remote support is simply a fast and easy way for drivers to resolve whatever technical issues they face on the road and on site. Interested in our products? Read more about Xsite®Systems Contact your local Xsite dealer for more information Find your local dealer