Cable Documentationwith intelligent machine control Document the location and automatic burial depth with Xsite PRO 3D Machine Control Home › Cable Documentation With Intelligent Machine Control – Location and Automatic Burial Depth With Xsite PRO 3D LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Cable Documentation With Intelligent Machine Control – Location and Automatic Burial Depth With Xsite PRO 3D Accurate documentation of underground cables can prevent many accidents on work sites. But getting a surveyor to the site to document the as-built information may take time and increase project costs. And if the documentation is done afterwards, the position information might be inaccurate. Xsite offers a fast, accurate, and user-friendly way to document underground cables and automatically upload the collected data to a cloud service. With the Xsite® PRO 3D machine control system, the operator can collect as-built data during the excavation without interrupting the work or having a surveyor on the ground. From the excavator operator’s point of view, the documentation is straightforward – just one touch on the machine control system’s screen. The system then stores the as-built information in a line format containing all the crucial data, such as the cable’s name, coordinate information as well as the coverage depth of the cable. Xsite PRO 3D’s cable as-built contains: X, Y, and Z coordinates Burial depth Coding (industry standard or self-created) Cable name Time stamps When logging the cables as-built, the cover depth of the cable is stored automatically in the as-built data. Project parties can follow the work progress from the Xsite MANAGE cloud service. Automatic Cloud Synchronization The collected as-built data is uploaded automatically to the Xsite MANAGE cloud service in an open format so all project parties can easily access it. The cloud service enables following the project’s progress in real-time. Xsite MANAGE also visualizes the as-built data on a map view so that you can inspect the data in an easy-to-read form. Utilizing Xsite’s machine control and cloud service enables the creation of a precise 3D model of the cable’s position with centimeter accuracy. With accurate documentation, you can prevent cable breaks and increase work safety in future projects. The as-built information is uploaded to the cloud service automatically from the site. All the collected data is also visualized in Xsite MANAGE’s map view. Interested in Xsite® MANAGE? Read more about our cloud platform! Xsite® PRO 3D with LANDNOVA X offers supreme usability, especially for model-based construction sites and Open InfraBIM workflow. The system enables the operator to work carelessly, transferring complex model names and coding into understandable information. Contact your local reseller for more information! You might also be interested in Xsite® PRO 3D – LANDNOVA X Advanced does not need to mean difficult. Xsite® PRO 3D with LANDNOVA X software offers intelligent features and ease of use for model-based construction sites. Learn More Xsite® MANAGE Cloud Service Xsite® MANAGE offers a seamless data transfer between the field and the office, enabling construction professionals to work smarter, use resources more efficiently, and become more competitive. Learn More CONTACT YOUR LOCAL RESELLER FOR MORE INFORMATION! Find your dealer!